
Meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of the month at 14h30 in Florensac and usually include a speaker or theme.

Programme Proposals 2024-2025

MonthSpeakerTalk titleNotes
September 2024Welcome back apéros and quiz
OctoberGraham TIGGPainting and MathematicsNo maths knowledge beyond adding and division required
NovemberTricia HERBERTTricia will talk about Peru from the Inca past to the Andean women who are leading change today
DecemberChristmas Party at Ô Petits Bontemps, Béziers
January 202519th WICM Birthday Party with finger food and wine + entertainment
FebruaryHelen CLAPHAM Russian jewellery
MarchSarah MORTIMERWorking as a producer in British Television
AprilJulian HALSBYPainters of the New English Art ClubThe lecture will start with a brief look at the Club's history as an alternative to the Royal Academy from its founding in 1886. Julian will then look at its present painters who are still providing an alternative to the Academy. The lecture will be illustrated with many images of contemporary painters - something a bit different.
MayMarie LESCALIERBenefits of yoga with a yoga chair demo!
12h Thursday 19 June
Summer Party ~ venue TBA

Members are informed of group activities, events and meetings via the monthly Newsletter and flyers.

Womens International Club Mediterranee